Shop with products for fine arts and artistic activities
Selling price: 650.000 EURO
Annual turnover: 1.114.003 EURO
Real Estate Value 0 EURO
County / City: Brașov
Country: Romania
Short description
This business started its activity in 2002, supplying materials for painting to the students of the Art High School of Brasov. Subsequently, he expanded his activity, addressing also plastic artists and artisans, students, schoolchildren and preschoolers, for technology/manual work classes.Today he sells materials for all that means artistic and skill activity.
Products and Services
In order to support these activities, creative workshops were organized, both at the company headquarters and in schools, kindergartens, fairs, exhibitions.In this way, on the one hand the business is known by those interested in these activities, on the other hand, it actively contributes to the development of the mentality of making decorations and works of art.
The business has a long and loyal clientele, the people to whom it addresses are both professionals and amateurs or people who only occasionally craft or paint.
The marketing of materials for fine arts and skill is done both through our own store in a rented residential space in Brasov, as well as through the online store of our website.
In the last two years, the creative workshops have been conducted in online format, in the form of tutorials, workshops on skipe. Thus, the business has adapted very well to the situation generated by Covid-19, managing with even more success the activity, the revenues from the sales of the business constantly increasing.FINANCIAL RATING 2020 - 9.4
The company has a stable financial situation. Operational profitability, net profitability and balance sheet indicators show risk-free financial stability for the period ahead.
Tangible and intangible assets
PROFITABILITYAssessment indicator 2019 2020
Net profit margin 8,5 10,9
It also has a well-known and respected name in the local market, a brand owned through a registered brand, promoted on all channels, including social media.
Through creative workshops, it reached customers from all over the country, not just from Brasov, which is a good support for increasing sales in the online store.
The sales price is 650.000 eur and includes a complete package:
The company SRL without debts, stock of products and materials, key partners (suppliers and basic contacts necessary for a good conduct of business), qualified and reliable personnel, customer base, website and all online assets, development plans.
Market and development potential
Sound good? Are you interested?Let's talk.
Detailed information
Business established on 2022-11-18
Turnover from previous years 763.407 EURO
Trademark N/A
Goodwill N/A
Seller/bank financing 0 EURO
Approximate inventory 373.616 EURO
Inventory included in price Yes
Number of Employees 25
Support and training Yes
Reason for sale Professional development and development, diversification