Profitable office supply trading company for sale
Selling price: 1.400.000 EURO
Annual turnover: 3.000.000 EURO
Real Estate Value EURO
County / City: N/A
Country: Poland
Short description
Well established profitable office supply trading company with expandable B2B online platform located in two Polish cities. Consumers and retailers may order office supplies, computer accessories and office equipment from well-known producers online through a professional web trade platform. Very good customer base.The high logistics efficiency allows customer services for companies with even hundreds of branches throughout the whole country.
Detailed information
Business established on 2023-05-12
Turnover from previous years EURO
Trademark EURO
Goodwill EURO
Seller/bank financing EURO
Approximate inventory EURO
Inventory included in price N/A
Number of Employees 19
Support and training N/A
Reason for sale N/A