Metalworking company in niche market
Selling price: N/A
Annual turnover: 2.000.000 EURO
Real Estate Value N/A
County / City: N/A
Country: Netherlands
Short description
The company supplies tailor-made (niche) metal products for a number of specific sectors, with a complete department set up for this purpose.The company's knowledge, expertise and reputation have helped build up a loyal and widespread customer base that entails more and more repetitive work. Candidates receive an extensive memorandum. After an introductory meeting with the seller, the candidate is expected to submit an initial offer.
Reason for sale: Take it easy due to their age
International attractiveness: The company could be an interesting addition to existing market parties or strategic parties who want to increase their market share in the Netherlands or acquire a share in the Dutch market.
Deal value:To be agreed
Detailed information
Business established on N/A
Turnover from previous years N/A
Trademark N/A
Goodwill N/A
Seller/bank financing N/A
Approximate inventory N/A
Inventory included in price N/A
Number of Employees 6
Support and training N/A
Reason for sale N/A